
Showing posts from 2015

Purpose of Life -- by Paramacharya

  Found this on Facebook on the page dedidicated to Chansekharendra Saraswati - paramacharya God has endowed us with some special powers which insects, birds, and animals do not have. We are able to think, to speak, to meditate and to probe into the secrets of nature. We are capable of great achievements, with the aid of the machines we ourselves invent. Generally speaking, the lower order of creation, like insects, birds and animals, live happily in furrows, nests or caves. They eat, grow, multiply, and then die. They do not live in constant fear. They are affected by lust (kaama) and anger (krodha) only occasionally. On the other hand, human beings are subject to constant fears, some real and some imaginary. We are afflicted by lust, anger and hatred. We also suffer pain and grief. In God’s creation, there is a purpose in everything. Flowers that blossom at dusk are white, which is the only colour distinguishable in darkness, and bees are attracted to them both by their whit...

#AwardWapsi controversy in India

My take on the  ‪#‎ AwardWapsi‬ Poverty is the worst form of violence. -- Mahatma Gandhi And I absolutely agree with that statement. Poverty tortures people day in day out, throughout peoples lives. Hundreds of Millions of them. And in a country like India, Corruption in the primary cause of poverty. NOT communalism. Not religion. But CORRUPTION. When thousands of crores worth of scams over decades happened in India. Intolerance toward the poor man of India was apparently not an issue. 2-3 ppl die. All of a sudden its an attack on the very fabric of this nation. Here is the leader of this #awardWapsi gang talking about Rahul Gandhi a few days ago:…/rahul-gandhi-showing-signs-of-great-c… Really?? Nayantara Sahgal a niece of Nehru who started this nonsense, who thinKs Rahul Gandhi is showing signs of great change is going to tell our nation if it has all of a sudden become intolerant? While of course she never answers why she took her award 2 y...

Tenets of Advaita Vedanta

Note: Read point #1..the first point is what the nature of reality is per quantum physics. Of course the last part of it is still a metaphysics concept.  Brahman (the Absolute) is alone real; this world is unreal; This part has already been proven without doubt: Replace  the word Brahman with the concept of the Fabric of the cosmos that enables the concept of "Spooky action at a distance".  The second part of the statement, that world is unreal/illusory/, is proven by the double slit experiment. Source: Tenets of Advaita Vedanta Brahman (the Absolute) is alone real; this world is unreal; and the Jiva or the individual soul is non-different from Brahman. The Atman is self-evident (Svatah-siddha). It is not established by extraneous proofs. It is not possible to deny the Atman, because It is the very essence of the one who denies It. Brahman is not an object, as It is Adrisya, beyond the reach of senses, mind or ...

India’s contribution in the field of Physics and Chemistry

A brilliant article on Sanskriti magazine.

Idolatory in Hinduism? ---- Take 1

Here is a scholar of religion.. I do disagree with somethings he says...his opinions that he has put forward in other talks and discussions. but on this topic..he is spot on. so here is what his understanding of religion is. Even after this if ppl are foolish to not be able to see through what idol worship in hinduism really is.... God help him and us. If its still not clear what "idol worship" is all about leave me a note. hint: these are signs and symbols to understand the larger reality.... that is it. THINK!

“We see with our brains, not with our eyes"

“We see with our brains, not with our eyes" How many times has this been said in our ancient books? Its just that they say...its the soul/Atma that really sees, not the eye, the eye just captures the light, Science still not there...but progress at last. The same is true for all our senses. Eventually I am pretty sure science will say the same.... one thing at a time. When will the arrogant western science stop wasting money on stuff we've already discussed at least 3 millenia ago. There is a reason why its called "Vedanta"..literally.. the "end of knowledge"!!! For ever this blog is dedicated to the great Rishi's of India who didn't need billions of dollars of funding and super computers to find these things out.

Spirituality is nothing but the result of religious skepticism

I've just scribbled my thoughts that just came for the past 40 mins...  i'll clean it up later when have time...but try to follow the logic and let me know where i am completely off or faltering.  There sure is a lot to clarify below..but a nice read nevertheless I think. Post beings here: you see the thing is no one in today's world especially has the time to go over everything out there. Even if they did, there is a good chance they will go insane. even if they don't they might lack the intelligence to put it all in to context. A realist says he will believe only empirical evidence. this pursuit of empirical evidence is all nice and good and as good as  and as entertaining to someone like me as is Kim Kardashian showing her ass on national TV. The issue for most ppl other than this small minor percentage of ppl is that they all recognize the only inevitable in front of them. And that is death. And it is human nature to worry about it. What is...

Ancient Indian discoveries according to Shashi Tharoor

Found this excerpt of what an Indian National Congress man (yes the psuedo-secular) had to say about the contributions of the ancient Indian rishis to the world are. And if you see the list below, these are the foundations of EVERYTHING that resulted in the modern life. Oh and yes, ALL OF THEM were written/expounded in Sanskrit!! Similarly, in asserting that ancient Indians anticipated Pythagoras, Dr Harsh Vardhan was not incorrect and should not have been ridiculed. In fact he could have added Newton, Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo as well, every single one of whom had been beaten to their famous "discoveries" by an unknown and unsung Indian centuries earlier.   The Rig Veda asserted that gravitation held the universe together 24 centuries before the apple fell on Newton's head. The Siddhantas are amongst the world's earliest texts on astronomy and mathematics; the Surya Siddhanta, written about 400 A.D., includes a method for finding the times of planetary ...

The regressive Mind set

So a month ago or so there was this news article of how an actress, Gauhar Khan, was slapped by an audience member belonging to the same community as she. The television media was obviously all over it. And the coverage of this caught my attention in the way the media worded this incident. The specific verbiage used by the media is, that this person, with a "regressive mindset" took offense to the way the actress was dressed and slapped her. First of all I don't think slapping an adult is the right thing to do. But I am not here to discuss how to deal with someone's ideas of what is right. But this post is about the idea of what is right, what is the right way for women or for that matter anyone to dress. So according to the media, the person who suggested that Gauhar Khan wear respectable clothes (we will come to what "respectable" is in a bit) in full public view has a regressive mindset. So my next question to the media in India (especially) ...