Ancient Indian discoveries according to Shashi Tharoor
Found this excerpt of what an Indian National Congress man (yes the psuedo-secular) had to say about the contributions of the ancient Indian rishis to the world are. And if you see the list below, these are the foundations of EVERYTHING that resulted in the modern life. Oh and yes, ALL OF THEM were written/expounded in Sanskrit!!
I Agree with the concluding remarks while adding that yes, it should be used as a springboard and not as a battlefield. But the question is, why hasn't the Indian education system that was primarily constituted by the Congress Party of India since independence ensured that the kids in India learnt theses before being taught that everything we have we owe it to the westerners who as you can see and infer through history that have only gotten their knowledge base by looting and translating the books they got from the arabs during the crusades?( this part is clearly mentioned in the concluding remarks of the documentary "Crusades"/ or "Dark Ages" by the History Channel, I don't exactly remember which one but one of them.). And hence this is a battlefield in a minor sense to set the record straight because by their own admission and magnanimity the Congress has refused to teach the kids of India what heritage and glory they belong to. Its a battle against the congress, the islamic. greek and western glorification in Indian books rather than laying it out that all these guys had NOTHING if not for the ancient Rishi's of India whose knowledge they've copied without as much as giving them their due acknowledgement.
I still keep saying this.... I need the west to pay us a penny for every 0 and 1 they've used before they claim patent rights on anything they've "invented".
Don't you think?
Similarly, in asserting that ancient Indians anticipated Pythagoras, Dr Harsh Vardhan was not incorrect and should not have been ridiculed. In fact he could have added Newton, Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo as well, every single one of whom had been beaten to their famous "discoveries" by an unknown and unsung Indian centuries earlier.
The Rig Veda asserted that gravitation held the universe together 24 centuries before the apple fell on Newton's head. The Siddhantas are amongst the world's earliest texts on astronomy and mathematics; the Surya Siddhanta, written about 400 A.D., includes a method for finding the times of planetary ascensions and eclipses. The notion of gravitation, or gurutvakarshan, is found in these early texts. Lost Discoveries, by the American writer Dick Teresi, a comprehensive study of the ancient non-Western foundations of modern science, spells it out clearly: "Two hundred years before Pythagoras," writes Teresi, "philosophers in northern India had understood that gravitation held the solar system together, and that therefore the sun, the most massive object, had to be at its centre."
Aryabhata was the first human being to explain, in 499 A.D., that the daily rotation of the earth on its axis is what accounted for the daily rising and setting of the sun (his ideas were so far in advance of his time that many later editors of his awe-inspiring "Aryabhatiya" altered the text to save his reputation from what they thought were serious errors). Aryabhata conceived of the elliptical orbits of the planets a thousand years before Kepler, in the West, came to the same conclusion (having assumed, like all Europeans, that planetary orbits were circular rather than elliptical). He even estimated the value of the year at 365 days, six hours, 12 minutes and 30 seconds; in this he was only a few minutes off (the correct figure is just under 365 days and six hours). The translation of the Aryabhatiya into Latin in the 13th Century taught Europeans a great deal; it also revealed to them that an Indian had known things that Europe would only learn of a millennium later.
The Vedic civilisation subscribed to the idea of a spherical earth at a time when everyone else, even the Greeks, assumed the earth was flat. By the Fifth Century A.D., Indians had calculated that the age of the earth was 4.3 billion years; as late as the 19th Century, English scientists believed the earth was a hundred million years old, and it is only in the late 20th Century that Western scientists have come to estimate the earth to be about 4.6 billion years old.
India invented modern numerals (known to the world as "Arabic" numerals because the West got them from the Arabs, who learned them from us!). It was an Indian who first conceived of the zero, shunya; the concept of nothingness, shunyata, integral to Hindu and Buddhist thinking, simply did not exist in the West. Modern mathematics would have impossible without the zero and the decimal system; just read a string of Roman numbers, which had no zeros, to understand their limitations.
Indian mathematicians invented negative numbers as well. The concept of infinite sets of rational numbers was understood by Jain thinkers in the Sixth Century B.C. Our forefathers can take credit for geometry, trigonometry, and calculus; the "Bakhshali manuscript", 70 leaves of bark dating back to the early centuries of the Christian era, reveals fractions, simultaneous equations, quadratic equations, geometric progressions and even calculations of profit and loss, with interest.
The Sulba Sutras, composed between 800 and 500 B.C., demonstrate that India had Pythagoras' theorem before the great Greek was born, and a way of getting the square root of 2 correct to five decimal places. (Vedic Indians solved square roots in order to build sacrificial altars of the proper size). The Kerala mathematician Nilakantha wrote sophisticated explanations of the irrationality of "pi" before the West had heard of the concept. The Vedanga Jyotisha, written around 500 B.C., declares: "Like the crest of a peacock, like the gem on the head of a snake, so is mathematics at the head of all knowledge." Our mathematicians were poets too!
Indian numbers probably arrived in the Arab world in 773 A.D. with the diplomatic mission sent by the Hindu ruler of Sind to the court of the Caliph al-Mansur. This gave rise to the famous arithmetical text of al-Khwarizmi, written around 820 A.D., which contains a detailed exposition of Indian mathematics, in particular the usefulness of the zero. It was al-Khwarizmi who is credited with the invention of algebra, though he properly credits Indians for it himself.
But the point is that, alas, we let this knowledge lapse. We had a glorious past; wallowing in it and debating it now will only saddle us with a contentious and unproductive present. We should take pride in what our forefathers did, but resolve to be inspired by them rather than rest on their laurels. We need to use the past as a springboard, not as a battlefield. Only then can we rise above it to create for ourselves a future worthy of our remarkable past.
I Agree with the concluding remarks while adding that yes, it should be used as a springboard and not as a battlefield. But the question is, why hasn't the Indian education system that was primarily constituted by the Congress Party of India since independence ensured that the kids in India learnt theses before being taught that everything we have we owe it to the westerners who as you can see and infer through history that have only gotten their knowledge base by looting and translating the books they got from the arabs during the crusades?( this part is clearly mentioned in the concluding remarks of the documentary "Crusades"/ or "Dark Ages" by the History Channel, I don't exactly remember which one but one of them.). And hence this is a battlefield in a minor sense to set the record straight because by their own admission and magnanimity the Congress has refused to teach the kids of India what heritage and glory they belong to. Its a battle against the congress, the islamic. greek and western glorification in Indian books rather than laying it out that all these guys had NOTHING if not for the ancient Rishi's of India whose knowledge they've copied without as much as giving them their due acknowledgement.
I still keep saying this.... I need the west to pay us a penny for every 0 and 1 they've used before they claim patent rights on anything they've "invented".
Don't you think?