You are What you read!

 You are what you read

Yes, you are what you eat. But that at the physical level and emotional level because what you eat, determine your emotional state to a certain extent as well. 

But you are also at an intellectual level at a human level what you read. What you consume for your mind on a regular basis.

Most people I know hardly ever read books hardly ever keep up their knowledge on topics that they hold strong opinions about 

My question is, if you don’t read and keep improving your knowledge how do you keep a strong opinion about the topic? If you have a strong opinion about a topic you should have read about it both both pros and cons. if you have not done that, what right do you have to keep an opinion about it and argue strongly on the topic ? 

Your source of knowledge should the bent of mind, and the reasoning to form a strong opinion . Here is a thing. I am very opinionated about many things in life but I for those opinions based on a vast amount of reading on those topics. 

But unfortunately, most people hold strong opinions, because that is human nature, because that is required for survival, but the problem is instead of holding opinions based on your prefrontal cortex and learning, most people hold their opinions based on their lizard drains, which is very primitive by nature . 

It’s a very frustrating experience for people who are well read because the unread will argue to end without even giving credit credence to the person who has read about a certain topic. Now it would make sense if the other side made an argument, basing their logic on facts brought by a different source that would be a good conversation to take forward to analyze our sources and their validity. 

Now there are many ways to learn. It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to read a book. You can listen to a podcast keep up with YouTube videos whatever your sources are you have to keep learning on a specific topic to hold a strong opinion. 

Whenever I go to someone’s home, I look for a library when I see the library it tells me a lot about who they are what their focus is what they want to do with their life.

Have you ever looked back at your library and understood who you are ?

Have you ever explored your own opinions about things and how you got to those conclusions?

Most people don’t, but they will be ready to go to war without thinking about anything deeply or learning about it.

Perhaps that drives the world.

Don’t you think?think! 


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