Daughter: The perfect gate to Moksha


Detachment and ego death is the goal.

A daughter is alll love. And you have to let go. Nothing has changed from past to today, the circumstances have changed but the experience of the needing to let go of a daughter hasn’t. The pain in knowing that someday she will not be your little daughter everyday she grows up will help in your efforts to train your mind to let go. Love and let go. 

And finally a daughter also frees you from the illusion of an empire building the illusion of wealth building the illusion of family.

A daughter through her love and really just her mere presence makes your life glow. But also the reality of the fact that she will one day grow up into a woman will keep your grounded and in search of something more permanent. A permanent bliss. God realization. Moksha.

The love I have for my daughter knows no limits. Has no words in human vernacular to express the feelings in my heart. And you know what? I have heard the same description about God from the Vedas: Where speech has stopped and where human imagination and thought have stopped God has spread 10 times beyond that. 

So a daughter gives you a glimpse of what really can be permanently yours and motivates you to keep on your spiritual path. Never stop yearning for the permanence of that experience/ feeling. The daughter is just a glimpse the universe give you. Be grateful. 


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