Thank you Jinnah, Thank you Nehru, Screw you Gandhi!
Thank you Jinnah: For insisting on Pakistan's formation. India would not have made as much progress with such populations always becoming roadblocks.
Thank you Nehru: For a socialistic mindset. A country that got Independence needed to be socialistic. A capitalist nation would have been a disaster. Thank you for having a secular mindset, a right wing ultra nationalist would've been a disaster. Unfortunately though your first education minister was a mistake. And then of course your children tool "secularism" way too far to the left that left the Hindu Majority of the nation disillusioned. Can you imagine a prime minister telling the country that the right on resources of the country is that of the minorities (read muslims) before the majority? On a personal note, thanks to the navratan Industries of India, I am extraordinarily grateful to Nehru and his socialistic vision that even today has helped me not worry about the health care expenses for my parents. while also living a carefree life in my younger days because of the stability that a govt. job brings to lives.
Screw you Gandhi: For insisting on letting the muslims stay in India even though they voted 90-95% for the muslim league in every election since their explicit declaration for an intent to create a separate nation from the "dirty Hindus". As the numbers suggested they are racist and as history of Pakistan suggests they are also fascist by their very nature. India would've been a greater secular nation if not for the need of some political parties to resort to Muslim appeasment causing enormous damage to both the economy as well as the political discourse in the country.
Thank you Gandhi: Sorry, i can't think of a single thing. all around the world people in power that control the narrative used you because it is beneficial to them to continue staying in power with your retarded mindset. It is because of his insistence that the country is being held back by the islamic jihadi populations of India. While I am proud of the many Muslim contributions to our country, the "kattar" muslim populations, like the one represented by the Owaisis and the Bengali muslims is the drag coefficient that India faces today. If only Gandhi understood why Nehru wanted a separate Pakistan, (he very well understood the drag coefficient that would hinder the nation's progress.) India would have been well served if the majority of the Muslim populations of UP/Bihar/Bengal and Hyderabad were let to leave for Pakistan.