Dalits of India



The reason why Dalits were not allowed in to society is very simple to understand. Up until very recently humans followed the profession they were born in to. For the most part. And societal laws ALWAYS account only "for the most part". Not for exceptions.

Dalits traditionally cleaned human and animal waste or cleared dead bodies. Both these professions by definition expose these populations to many diseases. Now we don't know how far back these groups of people were given these jobs and why they accepted them in the first place. But I am positive that at some point societies realized that when people with these professions mix with the general population, drink from the same water sources as the general population does, people were contracting incurable (for that day and age) diseases and killing people en mass (think Ebola).

And when societies started to notice these issues, they were asked to not mix with the general population.

Add to that the human capacity for prejudice toward such "nasty" professions.
Add to that 2-3 millenia of a time gap where people forgot why they were asked to stay away from the rest of population.
Add to that a 1000 years of occupying forces that pressured the society into a "Save my ass" mode.

We land into a very unfortunate and bigotted society that we hear in modern India and how Dalits were and are treated.

It is very unfortunate that their dignity is hurt. I will never accept it. And it is sad. They deserve every bit of our gratefulness for what they do for society. And they deserve dignity 100% like the rest of us.

But the reasons for which societies separated these populations from the rest are very easy to see. Its not rocket science.

But in the modern world of Antibiotics, such a separation would not make sense. (of course that is contingent upon Antibiotics saving us for ever, which I doubt very much as the World Health ORganization has already warned the world that mankind is officially entered a post antibiotic world where killing malicious germs with antibiotics is becoming virtually impossible because of evolving bateria and virusus... a different topic on how this short term bandage is destroying mankind and bringing about ghor kaliyuga in the very near term)

You might ask, is it ok for their populations to perish with such diseases? And the answer is definitely NO, but have you heard of something called "Herd immunity"/"population immunity"? And the concept of "greater good"?

Isn't that one of the reasons why the western races rife with many diseases and STD's wiped out populations, especially in the Americas? But they themselves only almost died out twice in all history because of a plague outbreak?

But none of that EVER happened in the history of India.

The ancient Rishis of India were geniuses.

Don't you think? Think!


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