Dating: An extremely regressive Idea from the west!

So for the longest of times I have struggled with coming to terms on this debate of Love marriage vs arranged marriage.

Culture and my guru have taught me that arranged marriage is the only acceptable part of my culture.

While I see the dating culture and am attracted toward it tremendously, over time, I have grown wary of this institution as as statistics have shown us time and again, that dating as an institution is a failure by a long shot.

Now recent research is actually pointing to an explosive reason why humans "progressed" from polygamy (dating) to monogamy over time. The of the biggest reasons being STI/STD's emanting out of polyamorous relationships in a society.

Here is a dangerous recent study: Study

the average number of partners in America is 7.2! And these studies I am sure are bound to increase in a few years with the explosion of hook up apps like Tinder.

Here are the STI/STD statistics from CDC as of 2015.

Here is the news on on sept 26th 2017

Its going up. Now Are you smart enough to put these things together to understand why and how STD's are regressive by definition?

So we as a society have introduced a culture because we think condoms will save us from unwanted pregnancies only to introduce un-contollable STI's and STD's that are worse than dying where people are left to suffer for their life time and potentially endangering unsuspecting dates over their life time.

And for women to be happeist, here is a research :

And if you understand the theory of happiness and look at the statistical success of arranged marriages in India you will understand that that true happiness for women lies in arranged marriages BEFORE they start dating other men and falling for the wrong guys for the wrong reasons! (which is almost always the case, what say ladies? Am I right? or am I right?)

And I i haven't included the stats of divorce rates in the west.

And here is the most damning research of them all, well that's my opinion, this research if extrapolated to put in terms of lasting long term happiness, the dating system ensures people will never be completely at a "soulular level" happy:

so the culture of India and my Guru were right! all along!

Dont you think?


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