
Showing posts from September, 2017

Dating: An extremely regressive Idea from the west!

So for the longest of times I have struggled with coming to terms on this debate of Love marriage vs arranged marriage. Culture and my guru have taught me that arranged marriage is the only acceptable part of my culture. While I see the dating culture and am attracted toward it tremendously, over time, I have grown wary of this institution as as statistics have shown us time and again, that dating as an institution is a failure by a long shot. Now recent research is actually pointing to an explosive reason why humans "progressed" from polygamy (dating) to monogamy over time. The of the biggest reasons being STI/STD's emanting out of polyamorous relationships in a society. Here is a dangerous recent study: Study the average number of partners in America is 7.2! And these studies I am sure are bound to increase in a few years with the explosion of hook up apps like Tinder. Here ...

Abhimanyu in the womb -- (according to latest Research)

Here is the latest research. Here is a question to ponder over, how did the ancient rishis of India know about these capabilities without modern technologies to aid their "Research"? Below is the source of the rest of the post: Babies Start Learning Language In The Womb. What Does That Mean For Generational Poverty? A recent study from researchers at the University of Kansas shows that the brain begins building the foundation of language as much as a month before birth. September 15, 2017 Did you know the most impactful thing you can do for babies and toddlers to get them ready for school is talk to them? Language is a predictor of school success, and researchers can begin to predict which children will do well in school as early as three years old. Children who know more words at age three enter kindergarten at age ...