
Showing posts from 2017

Why should we follow traditions?

Humans are creatures of habit. Every habit has a short term and a long term effect. Epigenetic effect as well as outside effects. Read the science quoted in Charles Duhigg's book, about the "The power of Habit", and of course the point the book is trying to make. Read about the general "habits" and especially the morning routines (habits) of highly successful people across time and cultures. (youtube it) Then compare those to the routines described in our major traditions. We also need to understand traditions in the light of when they were formed to see through many of the "rituals" and look for the underlying reasons for these rituals. So called "freedoms" people have "no habits" anymore. Other than getting sucked into addictions. One addiction after another, starting from food, to sex, to porn, to binge watching, to social media, to phones, to alcohol, to smoking, to hard drugs. These only lead to a lot of sufferin...

Modern Medicine :The staple food habits of India

I have no words! This is what Indians... eat! Ayurveda is most definitely from the Gods. When our food habits were formed by the rishis in ayurveda, we didnt have genetic studies..or did we? Who knows? but does it matter? All that matters is we save the world by following these food habits and stay healthy. A win win. Thank you Ayurveda? Thank you the MahaRishi's of India? Don't you think? Think!

Why inter-caste marriages are not allowed? - A scientific Thought

1. Go through this video: what that video basically shows is that families that have been vegetarian for hundreds of generations have a gene mutation that helps the body produce Omega 3 by itself. There is no need of supplementation through food or medicine. So if people have intercaste marriages, .... rather let me reword this... inter - varna marriages (what is the difference? Think!), we the vegetarians are giving up a genetic advantage over the rest of the meat eating world and we end up becoming dependent on meat. And as we become dependent on meat for this essential fatty acid, our ability to go all out toward spirituality takes a nose dive, as Meat is a spiritual inhibitor because, depending on the type of meat it either causes rajasic or tamasic tendencies in the consumers. And to a spiritual super human you have to max out on the sattvic tendencies. And people in pursuit of becoming what I...

We are all (the whole world) vedic mathematicians

So in this video this mathematician from England analyzes Vedic mathematics and says... "essentially we are all VEDIC mathematicians". Last I checked ppl were  against yoga coz it was Vedic religion/ related to hindu religion etc. So to all those people I say, please now stop doing math or using anything that is the result of Math .. coz all math originates in the Vedas. And yes it is "HINDU". # Hindu   # Hinduism   # India   # Vedas   # Science   # Math   # Yoga   # sanatanaDharma # Sanskriti   # RSS   # VHP To all the self appointed, self labeled liberal elite of India that is trying to "save India from Saffronization".... I say... Go suck it now. Don't you think? Think!

Dating: An extremely regressive Idea from the west!

So for the longest of times I have struggled with coming to terms on this debate of Love marriage vs arranged marriage. Culture and my guru have taught me that arranged marriage is the only acceptable part of my culture. While I see the dating culture and am attracted toward it tremendously, over time, I have grown wary of this institution as as statistics have shown us time and again, that dating as an institution is a failure by a long shot. Now recent research is actually pointing to an explosive reason why humans "progressed" from polygamy (dating) to monogamy over time. The of the biggest reasons being STI/STD's emanting out of polyamorous relationships in a society. Here is a dangerous recent study: Study the average number of partners in America is 7.2! And these studies I am sure are bound to increase in a few years with the explosion of hook up apps like Tinder. Here ...

Abhimanyu in the womb -- (according to latest Research)

Here is the latest research. Here is a question to ponder over, how did the ancient rishis of India know about these capabilities without modern technologies to aid their "Research"? Below is the source of the rest of the post: Babies Start Learning Language In The Womb. What Does That Mean For Generational Poverty? A recent study from researchers at the University of Kansas shows that the brain begins building the foundation of language as much as a month before birth. September 15, 2017 Did you know the most impactful thing you can do for babies and toddlers to get them ready for school is talk to them? Language is a predictor of school success, and researchers can begin to predict which children will do well in school as early as three years old. Children who know more words at age three enter kindergarten at age ...