Happy Independence Day Hindustan!

....and thank you Hitler!

And this last phrase seems to have come as a massive surprise to many of my friends on whatsapp.

What do you mean thank you Hitler? some asked.

What does Hitler have to do with India's Independence day? In fact according to me and many in the west and anyone who has analyzed the history of the time will understand how Hitler has the more to do with India's and many 10s of nations' independence than anyone who is given credit by the larger popular narratives.

You see in India the most popular narrative sold by the Congress (I) party and its cronies ( and the rest for political correctness) through the last 70 years is that, somehow Great Britain, the most powerful nation of the world, a country on who the sun never sets, after world war II gave up India simply because they got cold feet and scattered in its will to rule over its golden bird, India, because of the non-violent movement of Mahatma Gandhi and his relentless pursuit for India's independence through various civil disobedience movements without ever resorting to violence. A weary British I might add.

really? it took them a good 30+ years to get develop cold feet all of a sudden?  and this when times were much slower (you know what i mean, no internet, no television...just radio that too with the elite of the country).

There is another group emerging in the last few years since BJP formed the govt. in the center: After world war II, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose was commanding allegiance of a large portion of the Indian Army (commanded by the British), and a weary British after the war did not have enough will left to fight a rebellious Army on the mainland. And hence decided to leave.

Now hidden the reason 2 is the largest piece of the reasons for British granting independence to india pie: AFTER world war II, a WEARY British, did not have enough will to fight it out with both these threats to their command structure.

Here is some important detail that people forget to note: Great Britain was one night away from being capture by Hitler, it survived by a whisker, thanks to American participation in the war. Its economy, its army its entire existence was hanging by a thin thread by the end of the war.

If not for the above fact, neither Gandhi, nor Netaji, nor the combined double threat was any larger than what they had faced in 1857 rebellion that they had brutally crushed.

Now I am not taking anything away from the legacy of the Mahatma or Netaji, that is not what this post is about. All their greatness  is very deservedly so. But it's sad that most of India does not acknowledge what a hero Hitler was for India. Many who know it, do it for political correctness, coz its an established fact that Hitler was evil, coz he killed 6 million Jews. Now I am by no means suggesting what he did to the Jews was by any means justifiable. But unfortunately, if he didn't do what he did, a country where at least 60 million people died due to starvation, not because it didnt have the resources, but because its rulers put profits before the survival of the people it ruled over and made its wealth from, would not have gotten its freedom.

Not just India, the world would not have moved into a post-colonial era if Hitler would not have broken European powers' backs. Hundreds of millions of people would've continue to suffer at the hands of the brutal occupiers and looters. India was the largest economy of the world by the time British came and established industry in India in Surat.  At about 1815, India and China combined to be 50% of the world GDP, By the time it left, India and China combined to be 2% of the world economies.

You only have to read the torture of thousands of known and unknown heroes like Nelson Mandela and Sri Aurobindo were put through for decades, to understand the brutality of the colonial powers.

Only then will we appreciate what Hitler did for the rest of the world.

In history and life, nothing usually is black and white. This whole episode though, is more like a optical illusion, yes, very unfortunate events like world war II took place that killed about 6 million, it looks black from that vantage point, but as far as I am concerned, from the standpoint of the larger humanity's sake, it's white as camphor. And based on this post, it at least is grey from the vantage point of a neutral bystander.

So again, THANK YOU Hitler. Without you, I and millions like me would've probably still been slaves to the white masters struggling to make ends meet.


P.S: for people who thought that Post-Colonial times means ends to colonization of the world, think again. I am going to leave you with a clue. One is the flag of the United States, the other... look it up, research and think about it. THINK!


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