Happy Independence Day Hindustan!

....and thank you Hitler! And this last phrase seems to have come as a massive surprise to many of my friends on whatsapp. What do you mean thank you Hitler? some asked. What does Hitler have to do with India's Independence day? In fact according to me and many in the west and anyone who has analyzed the history of the time will understand how Hitler has the more to do with India's and many 10s of nations' independence than anyone who is given credit by the larger popular narratives. You see in India the most popular narrative sold by the Congress (I) party and its cronies ( and the rest for political correctness) through the last 70 years is that, somehow Great Britain, the most powerful nation of the world, a country on who the sun never sets, after world war II gave up India simply because they got cold feet and scattered in its will to rule over its golden bird, India, because of the non-violent movement of Mahatma Gandhi and his relentless pursuit for India...