Ancient Indian discoveries according to Shashi Tharoor
Found this excerpt of what an Indian National Congress man (yes the psuedo-secular) had to say about the contributions of the ancient Indian rishis to the world are. And if you see the list below, these are the foundations of EVERYTHING that resulted in the modern life. Oh and yes, ALL OF THEM were written/expounded in Sanskrit!! Similarly, in asserting that ancient Indians anticipated Pythagoras, Dr Harsh Vardhan was not incorrect and should not have been ridiculed. In fact he could have added Newton, Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo as well, every single one of whom had been beaten to their famous "discoveries" by an unknown and unsung Indian centuries earlier. The Rig Veda asserted that gravitation held the universe together 24 centuries before the apple fell on Newton's head. The Siddhantas are amongst the world's earliest texts on astronomy and mathematics; the Surya Siddhanta, written about 400 A.D., includes a method for finding the times of planetary ...