Proof of God --- Something circumstantially undeniable

One of my earlier post discussed how Srinivasa Ramanujam says that on his death bed, God came in to his dreams and wrote the equations on a board with a blood stained hand, which he woke up and committed to paper. In fact he says he doesn't know what those equations mean, and only as recently as 2010 are mathematicians and scientists deciphering those equations which at this point seem to undoubtedly describe the motion/behavior of black holes (mind you when he wrote these equations scientists had no clue what black holes were, the term was not even coined).

That was proof to me. And I am sure to most. You can research further on this claim to your hearts content.

But in general to me a believable proof is when an third party that has no connection with a certain claim by another party, agrees to it.

The story of Sri Ramadasu is one, where the muslim king, agreed that it was Sree Rama who came to clear the debt of Sri Ramadasu to get him released from hail after 12 years. (another coincidentally interesting fact is that the same Tana Shah was jailed by the mughals for 12 yrs after which he died).

Why is that proof? You see, I usaually and skeptical about claims of a hindu claiming to have seen Sree Rama, or Krishna or Shiva, as I am skeptical of a Christian claiming to have seen mother Mary or Jesus christ. Its a conflict of interest in such claims, I do not think credence can be given. But in the above documented historical story, a muslim king, and we all know how impossibly faithful they are to their religion, accepted the fact that it was Sree Rama himself who incarnated for this purpose and thus started the tradition of sending funds to the Bhadrachalam temple every yr, a tradition that is carried up to this day.

Now here is another mind boggling proof on the same lines.

A few years ago, a book came about "Proof of Heaven" by Dr. Even Alexander, a neurosurgeon by profession. I ignored it, thinking its one of those, Christian fanatics writing some slob experience that cannot be verified....just like I would have thought about any Hindu writing something similar.

But then I was reading through the reviews of this book on barnes and noble that caught my attention and it reads something like this"\

"Still looking for the proof....The author does bring religion in to this as he not only leaves out Christ in his experience but refers to God as "Om", which is a mystical entity in Hinduism..Gods name is "I Am" heaven was closed? Maybe to you......the key to open the gates of heaven is to accept Christ as you saviour..."

I dug further and found another review at the following site:

excerpts from that review are as follows:

"Oddly, and surely to the disappointment of many readers, at this juncture the narrative is the most brief and least descriptive.  He cannot see anything, but Alexander is certain he is in the presence of God, saying that the “Being was so close that there seemed to be no distance at all between God and myself.  Yet at the same time, I could sense the infinite vastness of the Creator, could see how completely miniscule I was by comparison” (47).  He occasionally uses the term “Om” as the pronoun for God, explaining, “‘Om’ was the sound I remembered hearing associated with that omniscient, omnipotent, and unconditionally loving God, but any descriptive word falls short” (47)."

I haven't read the book. But right now, I am thinking, a Christian neurosurgeon, has a near death experience, and says, the only sound he can describe "God" with is "OM"!!!!

That my dear friends is proof of something... something to ponder about. He isn't a poor paid conversion agent hell bent on converting people. This is a neurosurgeon, who wrote a book describing his experience during coma. If he had to lie, if it was just about making a buck, he would have suggested he met Jesus or God, had he done that he would've had a exploding readership,....but he said something like "OM" and "I AM" to describe God that has pissed many faithful Christian fanatics off, which is evident from the many other similar reviews.

Something to think about. Don't you think?



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