Lets Party…………………… Every Morning
I grew up in America since my late teens. And an attempt to “Party” (regretfully) has been a constant endeavor on a regular basis. And what does partying mean? Most people I know its about getting high and finding a girl to hang out with. Luckily, drinking never caught my imagination although I’ve tried quite a few different list of things. I was in general out for the second part, as I said, I regret my immaturity.
You see I understand young immature kids seeking the second pleasure, coz its so ingrained to the deepest levels of our DNA and consciousness. No one needs to initiate us into it, no one needs to teach us anything about it. It just a is a natural process. And talking in terms of Sanatana Dharma Philosophy, this is one “Vasana”/ “Samskara” that is potentially the deepest and the most difficult to get rid of, that following the sookshma sharira ( the subtle body) across reincarnations for eternity (until of course you fall off the cycle through “liberation”/Niravana…wat ever you call that). But all this is instinct. The drive for finding a partner is instinct and unassuming teenagers and young adults seeking it is all but natural and without enough guidance and support the odds are pretty stacked against they NOT choosing to go that route.
But what about the first one? Getting high? I guarantee one thing, there is NO scientific, philosophical and historically at least, a cultural basis, for an inherent need for man to get high. At least nothing I know of exists.
Yes, people have been getting high for a long time. And sure it’s a great feeling. Don’t get me wrong, I love to get high. And without getting in to alcohol bashing here, I reserve that for another thread later, I will just post a couple of interesting findings on what is wrong with it for the purposes of the discussion:

Now read this:
Alcohol related deaths kill more than ........
As I said, I won’t go further in to bashing of an alcoholic culture in this post. But in general strictly from an “intelligent” decision to get high with alcohol or not, its phenomenally stupid. So much for an “intelligent” species.
Now is Alcohol the ONLY way to get high? How about marijuana? Sure…but that is still illegal in most parts of the world. Thus far I have nothing against it. Essentially coz I have neither any anecdotal evidence, or medical evidence, or social evidence to discourage it. If anything, there are positives which we can go in to later, if and when its use does become legal.
But here is the point to this post, there is another way. And I speak out of personal experience. And that experience is something I just had even today.
Now before you read further, there is a lot more to this exercise than merely what I am stating here, but before you either dismiss it as some opinionated bigoted bullshit, or if you think you want to “Try it”, I recommend the full monty. Go the whole way, these things take time, but once you start getting to where I am getting to, it only gets better with time and practice.
This morning I woke up at 4 A M
Did Pranayama for about 10 mins
Took a COLD shower ( head bath)
Did my sandhyavandana (which includes pranayama and about 1/2 hour of meditation)
Did an 1 1/2 hour of Yoga (both the yin and the yan parts of it) (find out abt it)
And by this time, I am telling you, I was high like alcohol never gets me. It’s a positive high. It’s a healthy high. It’s a “Sattvic” high.
And since this was a “Easy” work day owing to the day before thanks giving weekend, I surrounded my self with “Sounds of Isha” music. classical music from India. And I was floating, floating in ecstasy.
You actually enjoy this with no regrets the next day or for the rest of your lives, you don’t puke, you get in to fights, you don’t screw with your health, both mental and physical, as a matter of fact, its now proven at Harvard that yoga and meditation DO ward of stress and disease.
Forget the all the religious baggage that comes with all this, even the current god father of all atheists, Sam Harris meditates and expounds its benefits to atheists across the world.
Caution: But get a guru who can guide you to get there. This stuff is something you DON’T and CANNOT learn ONLY reading books , although there are great guides that can help you get started with understanding what it is that I am talking about in further detail. Choose your guru wisely. Frankly, I’ve read and highly recommend reading “Conquest of the Mind” by Eknath Easwaran, “Passage Meditation” by Eknath Easwaran. I tried Deepak Chopra earlier, didn’t find his meditations /techniques very impressive or for that matter even simple. He is a bit complicated in my opinion. Dr. Easwaran keeps it simple.
The readers of my blogs usually are an “educated” crowd that considers itself “intelligent” with an ability to think critically.
So use your ability and do justice to what you feel about your self.
P.S I find early mornings before sun rise to be much more effective than any other time of the day for this stuff, again you need to learn in detail from a guru.
You see I understand young immature kids seeking the second pleasure, coz its so ingrained to the deepest levels of our DNA and consciousness. No one needs to initiate us into it, no one needs to teach us anything about it. It just a is a natural process. And talking in terms of Sanatana Dharma Philosophy, this is one “Vasana”/ “Samskara” that is potentially the deepest and the most difficult to get rid of, that following the sookshma sharira ( the subtle body) across reincarnations for eternity (until of course you fall off the cycle through “liberation”/Niravana…wat ever you call that). But all this is instinct. The drive for finding a partner is instinct and unassuming teenagers and young adults seeking it is all but natural and without enough guidance and support the odds are pretty stacked against they NOT choosing to go that route.
But what about the first one? Getting high? I guarantee one thing, there is NO scientific, philosophical and historically at least, a cultural basis, for an inherent need for man to get high. At least nothing I know of exists.
Yes, people have been getting high for a long time. And sure it’s a great feeling. Don’t get me wrong, I love to get high. And without getting in to alcohol bashing here, I reserve that for another thread later, I will just post a couple of interesting findings on what is wrong with it for the purposes of the discussion:
Now read this:
Alcohol related deaths kill more than ........
As I said, I won’t go further in to bashing of an alcoholic culture in this post. But in general strictly from an “intelligent” decision to get high with alcohol or not, its phenomenally stupid. So much for an “intelligent” species.
Now is Alcohol the ONLY way to get high? How about marijuana? Sure…but that is still illegal in most parts of the world. Thus far I have nothing against it. Essentially coz I have neither any anecdotal evidence, or medical evidence, or social evidence to discourage it. If anything, there are positives which we can go in to later, if and when its use does become legal.
But here is the point to this post, there is another way. And I speak out of personal experience. And that experience is something I just had even today.
Now before you read further, there is a lot more to this exercise than merely what I am stating here, but before you either dismiss it as some opinionated bigoted bullshit, or if you think you want to “Try it”, I recommend the full monty. Go the whole way, these things take time, but once you start getting to where I am getting to, it only gets better with time and practice.
This morning I woke up at 4 A M
Did Pranayama for about 10 mins
Took a COLD shower ( head bath)
Did my sandhyavandana (which includes pranayama and about 1/2 hour of meditation)
Did an 1 1/2 hour of Yoga (both the yin and the yan parts of it) (find out abt it)
And by this time, I am telling you, I was high like alcohol never gets me. It’s a positive high. It’s a healthy high. It’s a “Sattvic” high.
And since this was a “Easy” work day owing to the day before thanks giving weekend, I surrounded my self with “Sounds of Isha” music. classical music from India. And I was floating, floating in ecstasy.
You actually enjoy this with no regrets the next day or for the rest of your lives, you don’t puke, you get in to fights, you don’t screw with your health, both mental and physical, as a matter of fact, its now proven at Harvard that yoga and meditation DO ward of stress and disease.
Forget the all the religious baggage that comes with all this, even the current god father of all atheists, Sam Harris meditates and expounds its benefits to atheists across the world.
Caution: But get a guru who can guide you to get there. This stuff is something you DON’T and CANNOT learn ONLY reading books , although there are great guides that can help you get started with understanding what it is that I am talking about in further detail. Choose your guru wisely. Frankly, I’ve read and highly recommend reading “Conquest of the Mind” by Eknath Easwaran, “Passage Meditation” by Eknath Easwaran. I tried Deepak Chopra earlier, didn’t find his meditations /techniques very impressive or for that matter even simple. He is a bit complicated in my opinion. Dr. Easwaran keeps it simple.
The readers of my blogs usually are an “educated” crowd that considers itself “intelligent” with an ability to think critically.
So use your ability and do justice to what you feel about your self.
P.S I find early mornings before sun rise to be much more effective than any other time of the day for this stuff, again you need to learn in detail from a guru.