Lets Party…………………… Every Morning
I grew up in America since my late teens. And an attempt to “Party” (regretfully) has been a constant endeavor on a regular basis. And what does partying mean? Most people I know its about getting high and finding a girl to hang out with. Luckily, drinking never caught my imagination although I’ve tried quite a few different list of things. I was in general out for the second part, as I said, I regret my immaturity. You see I understand young immature kids seeking the second pleasure, coz its so ingrained to the deepest levels of our DNA and consciousness. No one needs to initiate us into it, no one needs to teach us anything about it. It just a is a natural process. And talking in terms of Sanatana Dharma Philosophy, this is one “Vasana”/ “Samskara” that is potentially the deepest and the most difficult to get rid of, that following the sookshma sharira ( the subtle body) across reincarnations for eternity (until of course you fall off the cycle through “liberation”/Niravana…wat ev...