Why do I write?

Two reasons: Self Interest (to the point of selfishness) and Philanthropy
That's an oxymoron, isn't it?

Let me explain:

I am not sure if any of your wondered, why does this guy write and then debate endlessly on such a controversial topic, i am sure most of you have at least rolled your eyes when I start debating on Facebook or seen me post my blog postings.
I know; Its ok. Its part of what I do and I started doing this, not knowing its pitfalls. But I am here to stay.
Why? You might ask. Why would I risk friendships, why would I risk my reputation ( I am not sure of what ) by getting public about these "controversial" topics? Well “controversial” is in double quotes for a reason. Let me explain.

First of all why did I start blogging about my findings on Sanatana Dharma?

There have been two major influences on my life growing up:

Influence 1: Grandmother and her pious life style
Growing up, thanks to my grand mother, I have always, "believed in God". I was told the very things that most kids are told about God. God as told to kids ( very correctly for that age and and even to most adults) is a personal God. She never forced much of her ideas on to me through dogma, but, watching her live life, made a subtle yet a very strong impression on me and the power of the Almighty. She did on the most auspicious days ask us to perform some of the basic rituals, (probably just to keep us "in the hunt" for divinity later in life). But of course like most of us western educated kids, I never bothered to understand what this Almighty meant, what God meant. As far as I can think, he was a "do good for me" ATM machine. And that is how a personal God is for most of us.

Think about it.

Influence 2: Movies, Televisions and Ads
Growing up there was also another important influence, in my teenage years, thanks to Television, movies and advertising. A few examples of what is wrong with this influence can be expressed with the following examples:

  1. What was cool to me, was holding a Pepsi can, I wanted to show off, thought it was cool.
  2. I set out to America wanting to become the richest man alive, thought it was where Happiness lies.
  3. What was cool to me was having a love life, just like in the movies. (when did we last question the need for any of it at that age?)
I have no qualms about accepting the truth, and revealing it, coz I know each and EVERYONE of you were similar to me. To what degree is a different matter altogether.

And time went by, I came to America, I stepped in to the real world and life started to show me its true colors, I landed in the real world.

Without going in to further details, I had the most harrowing experiences in the first 7 years of my life in America. I went through mental agony, like I cannot recount or explain or express in vernacular over a blog.

And all of it was my fault.

Through all those years, I kept waiting for divine intervention, I kept begging God to come help me.
At that point, I felt like this “God” wasn’t helping. I was pretty mad, obviously.

But some time late in 2007, a trip to meet my friend in Maryland, where a debate with a few of his friends on this entity called “God”, triggered my research to get to the bottom of it.

And this research resulted in me starting this blog.

But me continuing has the following two larger and frankly from a practical stand point, important side effects.

Self Interest:
Long story short, this blog is a constant reminder to me of the lessons I learnt, in my quest for the truth and reality of this entity we all call God/bhagwan/paramatma/bhagawanthudu and various other names (Rama, Krishna, vishnu, Siva, Trayambaka, yahwe).
Reminder, because old habits die hard, and unless I keep reminding myself of what I learn, the old habits will take over. There is a strong dichotomy of a personality inside of me, that wants to "party" all the time. That wants to be irresponsible, again. That wants what all animals want. Yes I said, that is what we all are, animals. All of us. Per evolutionary biologists, we are descendants of apes, that just have a larger brain that enabled us to take over the planet and at will destroy it for our selfish reasons (so much for an intelligent race).
But this other side, I need to control, every day, every hour, every minute of my life. And this blog is an aid to logically pushing my old self out a position of strength and put the spiritual part of me in its place.
So yes, there is firstly a self interest for me to document my findings to drill in to myself the truths of my findings. To drill in to the deepest sub-conscious mind of mine of what the right things in life are, so that I don’t give in to the animalistic whims that control is today. I want my buddhi, my intellect to control my needs and my impulses and not my hormones, not the animalistic desires that prowl the wilderness of my subconscious.
This blog is that research on what this Buddhi should be learning? what is right? what should I have learnt to begin with?
This is a blog for me to get rid of double standards, where I commit mistakes and then wonder why the result is something I don’t like.
This blog is for me to keep reading my findings regularly to brainwash myself to the truths that I should have known and learnt as a child.

An old adage goes, vidyadanam mahadanam: Charity involving the spreading of knowledge is one of the greatest charities. I write this blog, with the same intention, with the same hope, a hope that I can save at least one person from committing the same blunders I committed as a young man. The same blunders that my mind prods me to commit everyday. The same blunders I see many of my closest friends, and the world in general commits on an everyday basis. The same blunders that the world is committing mindlessly, without a thought to it, and wonders what is wrong with the times we live in. Why is there so much chaos.
This blog is an attempt to right all the wrong that was done to me and my generation by the govt. of India in misleading me in trying to make me copy the west as I grew up. In to misleading me in to believing everything in the west is something we need to imbibe. In to misleading me in to copying everything from the west to the point that, talking in English was cooler than talking in my own mother tongue. Looking down on native language speakers. How pathetic was I?
This blog is an attempt to collect all the necessary argument to defeat the nonsense prowling in the nation amongst the millions of current generation ungrateful Indians who are still enjoying the fruits of the hard work of the ancients while calling the same ancients fools and think everything in the west is something we need to learn from. (yes unfortunately I was in the same crowd for the longest of time).
This blog is an attempt for logical conclusions within the fold of this conglomerate called Sanatana Dharma that I come to through research in what Modern Physics is postulating, to what Vedanta ( all three major schools ) told us many thousands of years ago (yes thousands. different discussion) without the need of billions of dollars of Equipment.
Through the research posted in the blog, I attempt to once and for all shut the so called “Free thinkers” and “PseudoSecular” forces of India that are hell bent on India forgetting its past glory. Its past ways. Its past greatness. And are hell bent on making us all a bunch of chimps that copy from the west. The very west that has its foundations of all knowledge stolen from our country and China to a certain extent.

In the end:
This blog is call out there to all the intelligent, critical thinkers, who are willing to see the evidence being presented by all us vedic apologists which includes some of the smartest people in the world and to see beyond what the west told us Indians about us with an idea to subdue us, to divide us.
This blog is a call out to all intelligentsia of India to learn about us from us. To learn about our history and heritage from our Rishis and not from contrived notions based on faulty evidence and interpretations of this evidence.
This blog is a call out to all intelligentsia of India to shun the blind copying of everything western that has only driven this planet to its edge through this nonsense called “Globalization”. Assuming Globalization’s end goal was to provide “happiness” to as many people around the world as possible through material benefits. I can debate this all day long, but let statistics and science prove that to you. Assuming America to be the biggest beneficiary of this Globalization, an Avg. American is as happy as an avg slum dweller in Kolkotta. Further discussion for a different post. But I think this should result in some thought. Some introspection of being a butt of all jokes across the world. Yes we’ve become one. As long as we blindly copy the west, we shall remain that.
This blog is a call out to all intelligentsia of India to see a pattern between India losing its dependence on Gurukulas, through which all the discoveries I listed partly in another post were possible, that were smashed by the British primarily and by the Mughals to some extent and our decline as a capital for world beating life style that never endangered the very golden goose, our planet, while its people being as happy as they could. There is something to THINK about. Isn’t there? There is a definite pattern.
And a lot more.

The bottom line, is some day in the distant future, India will have returned to its glorious roots, of a sustainable level of life that ends up keeping everyone happy while the populace strives for something more important at a personal level. And the world looks up to us. And not the other way round.

I am not sure any of this is "Controversial", coz my blog is an affidavit of the fact, that I talks facts. I hardly express opinions. And whenever I do, I am explicit about expressing an opinion.

Facts cannot be argued. Opinions should not be argued. Nothing controversial about facts.

Yeah, I do know some people who can't differentiate facts and opinions. And with such fools, I do not argue as soon as I figure their incapability out.


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