
Showing posts from August, 2013

Why do I write?

Two reasons: Self Interest (to the point of selfishness) and Philanthropy That's an oxymoron , isn't it? Let me explain: I am not sure if any of your wondered, why does this guy write and then debate endlessly on such a controversial topic, i am sure most of you have at least rolled your eyes when I start debating on Facebook or seen me post my blog postings. I know; Its ok. Its part of what I do and I started doing this, not knowing its pitfalls. But I am here to stay. Why? You might ask. Why would I risk friendships, why would I risk my reputation ( I am not sure of what ) by getting public about these "controversial" topics? Well “controversial” is in double quotes for a reason. Let me explain. First of all why did I start blogging about my findings on Sanatana Dharma? There have been two major influences on my life growing up: Influence 1: Grandmother and her pious life style Growing up, thanks to my grand mother, I have always, "bel...

Tryst with a "Rationalist"/Atheist Part 2

As you will start seeing the modus operandi of these "Free Thinkers". I say modus operandi, because I've seen these kind of debaters too many times before and they are all the same, they will ignore ALL the facts thrown at them, and bluntly call everything they have no answer for as quackery and non-sense, and accuse you of "repeating the same thing", in all the meaningless places to the point that you are left with an astounding expression on your face as to how do you respond to them when they say there is no elephant in the room while having kept their eyes closed and refuse to see... they just refuse to research anything... and I am not going to spoon feed them... well as you will see... I tried a little bit of spoon feeding, coz he is still my friend. His response: Hi vinny, sorry for the late reply. my santana understanding or misunderstanding is not the question. i just looked it up on google.  the - so old - i dont know how old- can  very s...