The problem with Atheists and the Proof of God
Humor me with this scenario for a moment:
There was a class of 100 students in a Physics 101 session.
The professor said:
Newton's third law of states:
"Every Action has an equal and opposite reaction"
Hearing this:
Some of them, lets call them group A, said... oh yeah ok. If the professor says, it must be right. So it is right. I just need to
Another group lets call them group B, huh!,... i don't believe this guy, what is his source, lets check the prescribed textbook. so they open the textbook and lo and behold, its written right there so it must be true, there it is... this is enough proof that this law is true.
Another group of students, group C, said, wait.... i dont trust this source, this is prescribed by the college, may be they just are brainwashing us, let us check what is being taught in a few other textbooks at randomly chosen colleges around the country. They do!!! and lo and behold!! all the text books say the same thing about the same law.
Group D students said, this must be a conspiracy by the govt to brainwash us and enslave us so that they can become tyrannical, so we need proof for this law, all the math is good...but we need to conduct certain experiments to ensure what we are being taught is indeed correct and the law makes sense. So here they go to the professor and the professor gives them access to hundreds of experiments and their procedures to derive the proof for the above law. This diligent group said, aah!... yes!! this law indeed is true in classical physics .
There was this law group, Group E (if i remember right, E == Fail back in my school), they said... NO this law is just bullcrap. I dont believe the professor, neither do we want to believe the text book, neither do we want to believe all the text books around the country coz this is a scam to brainwash us. They kept calling all these other groups names, and saying... you may believe this, but we dont believe it. IT might be your belief, we dont believe that is true. We are rationalists you are all foolish etc etc etc.
So obviously the only group above that has indeed seen the proof for the law was Group D, and they offered access to the group E students to conduct the experiments themselves to prove it to themselves that the law is indeed sane and there is no ponzy scheme to fool the students into enslavement.
But Group E students were adamant, we don't care about the experiments, they are difficult to do and we dont believe those experiments work. They are bunch of nonsense, irrational acts done in a close laboratory and we dont know, this whole magic with "math", who knows how much truth is in those math theories they use to derive the results of these experiments. We just don't want to do these experiments. We think this class is a sham and they leave the class.
Well, in my today's story, Group E students are the atheists.
You see, first of all, the problem with most atheists is, they have their own fancy ideas of what God is. who "He" is etc etc and they demand proof of "Him". Ask them what sort of proof they want, usually most have no idea what so ever. But some might say, show him to me.
Here is the problem, somethings are not visible to these eyes, but they do exist. They are as real as something you can touch and feel. Don't believe me? Why don't you "Show" me LOVE, BLISS, SORROW, HEARTBREAK.
But does that mean love doesn't exist? I'll leave that up to the reader to answer that.
But to really know what these are, there are certain things that need to happen, different things for different people will lead to the above feelings which will show you how real they are. Is there a set of steps to reach those? Sure, there are general guidelines. If they happen, you will know these feelings are real.
Now to the proof of God for you athiests:
You see, similar to the guidelines psychology will lay for love, bliss, sorrow etc, the Rishis's of Sanatana Dharma through the many schools of thoughts has laid down certain guidelines, certain experimental procedures that one has to perform by herself/himself to reach to a conclusive evidence of God. There are hundreds if not thousands who claim to have worked on those experiments and found conclusive proof. WHO ARE YOU TO SAY THEY ARE BULLSHITTING?
You can accuse someone of bullshitting, if the person claiming is doing so for any benefit of his own for power, money, fame etc. But you have to only dig through, not too far to find God realized humans who live with nothing more than a few morsels of food, a couple torn pieces of cloths, living in the most pathetic of conditions, telling you they have seen God.
Now is it "rational" to "believe" them? when was the last time you questioned Newton's third law in your life time, a law that was written by foreigners a few hundred years ago and propagated for monetary benefits or fame (nobel prizes etc etc) or power. If you never questioned someone who in comparison to the God realized Yogi's have lived the life of degradation and disgust, why do you question the truth of the Rishis's? Why do you question the yogi's? Talk about being rational.
you see its not about belief, its not about faith, as far as Sanatana Dharma is concerned, its about experimentally finding it out by yourself. But instead of winging it in the air, the masters have laid down guidelines to assist in your search for proof. If you follow their guidelines, you will get your proof.
But if you are like the group E folks, who will close their eyes and say there is no elephant in the room even though there is, but refuse to open you eyes ( here opening eyes is the experiment!)...... i dont know what to tell you.
One last thing: Just like, a path to Love, sorrow, joy, bliss, happiness, heart break are different for different people depending on their frame of reference, Sanatana dharma through its different schools of thought has devised many guidelines/paths to get to the same truth, and people generally have the freedom to choose their path, that suits their frame of reference, physical conditions, point in life, responsibilities, emotional Quotient, level of intelligence,their spiritual elevation etc.
There is no ONLY THIS WAY in the Sanatana Dharma.
There is no ONLY THIS WAY FOR ANYTHING known to mankind. But somehow some religions stick to such an ideology as far as God realization is concerned and in the process create havoc through centuries of wars and oppression and forced conversions to increase their numbers, like its a corporate membership game. Sad.
So choose your experiment, open your eyes.
P.S: BTW I was a member of group C, and now i am gradually graduating to Group D.
There was a class of 100 students in a Physics 101 session.
The professor said:
Newton's third law of states:
"Every Action has an equal and opposite reaction"
Hearing this:
Some of them, lets call them group A, said... oh yeah ok. If the professor says, it must be right. So it is right. I just need to
Another group lets call them group B, huh!,... i don't believe this guy, what is his source, lets check the prescribed textbook. so they open the textbook and lo and behold, its written right there so it must be true, there it is... this is enough proof that this law is true.
Another group of students, group C, said, wait.... i dont trust this source, this is prescribed by the college, may be they just are brainwashing us, let us check what is being taught in a few other textbooks at randomly chosen colleges around the country. They do!!! and lo and behold!! all the text books say the same thing about the same law.
Group D students said, this must be a conspiracy by the govt to brainwash us and enslave us so that they can become tyrannical, so we need proof for this law, all the math is good...but we need to conduct certain experiments to ensure what we are being taught is indeed correct and the law makes sense. So here they go to the professor and the professor gives them access to hundreds of experiments and their procedures to derive the proof for the above law. This diligent group said, aah!... yes!! this law indeed is true in classical physics .
There was this law group, Group E (if i remember right, E == Fail back in my school), they said... NO this law is just bullcrap. I dont believe the professor, neither do we want to believe the text book, neither do we want to believe all the text books around the country coz this is a scam to brainwash us. They kept calling all these other groups names, and saying... you may believe this, but we dont believe it. IT might be your belief, we dont believe that is true. We are rationalists you are all foolish etc etc etc.
So obviously the only group above that has indeed seen the proof for the law was Group D, and they offered access to the group E students to conduct the experiments themselves to prove it to themselves that the law is indeed sane and there is no ponzy scheme to fool the students into enslavement.
But Group E students were adamant, we don't care about the experiments, they are difficult to do and we dont believe those experiments work. They are bunch of nonsense, irrational acts done in a close laboratory and we dont know, this whole magic with "math", who knows how much truth is in those math theories they use to derive the results of these experiments. We just don't want to do these experiments. We think this class is a sham and they leave the class.
Well, in my today's story, Group E students are the atheists.
You see, first of all, the problem with most atheists is, they have their own fancy ideas of what God is. who "He" is etc etc and they demand proof of "Him". Ask them what sort of proof they want, usually most have no idea what so ever. But some might say, show him to me.
Here is the problem, somethings are not visible to these eyes, but they do exist. They are as real as something you can touch and feel. Don't believe me? Why don't you "Show" me LOVE, BLISS, SORROW, HEARTBREAK.
But does that mean love doesn't exist? I'll leave that up to the reader to answer that.
But to really know what these are, there are certain things that need to happen, different things for different people will lead to the above feelings which will show you how real they are. Is there a set of steps to reach those? Sure, there are general guidelines. If they happen, you will know these feelings are real.
Now to the proof of God for you athiests:
You see, similar to the guidelines psychology will lay for love, bliss, sorrow etc, the Rishis's of Sanatana Dharma through the many schools of thoughts has laid down certain guidelines, certain experimental procedures that one has to perform by herself/himself to reach to a conclusive evidence of God. There are hundreds if not thousands who claim to have worked on those experiments and found conclusive proof. WHO ARE YOU TO SAY THEY ARE BULLSHITTING?
You can accuse someone of bullshitting, if the person claiming is doing so for any benefit of his own for power, money, fame etc. But you have to only dig through, not too far to find God realized humans who live with nothing more than a few morsels of food, a couple torn pieces of cloths, living in the most pathetic of conditions, telling you they have seen God.
Now is it "rational" to "believe" them? when was the last time you questioned Newton's third law in your life time, a law that was written by foreigners a few hundred years ago and propagated for monetary benefits or fame (nobel prizes etc etc) or power. If you never questioned someone who in comparison to the God realized Yogi's have lived the life of degradation and disgust, why do you question the truth of the Rishis's? Why do you question the yogi's? Talk about being rational.
you see its not about belief, its not about faith, as far as Sanatana Dharma is concerned, its about experimentally finding it out by yourself. But instead of winging it in the air, the masters have laid down guidelines to assist in your search for proof. If you follow their guidelines, you will get your proof.
But if you are like the group E folks, who will close their eyes and say there is no elephant in the room even though there is, but refuse to open you eyes ( here opening eyes is the experiment!)...... i dont know what to tell you.
One last thing: Just like, a path to Love, sorrow, joy, bliss, happiness, heart break are different for different people depending on their frame of reference, Sanatana dharma through its different schools of thought has devised many guidelines/paths to get to the same truth, and people generally have the freedom to choose their path, that suits their frame of reference, physical conditions, point in life, responsibilities, emotional Quotient, level of intelligence,their spiritual elevation etc.
There is no ONLY THIS WAY in the Sanatana Dharma.
There is no ONLY THIS WAY FOR ANYTHING known to mankind. But somehow some religions stick to such an ideology as far as God realization is concerned and in the process create havoc through centuries of wars and oppression and forced conversions to increase their numbers, like its a corporate membership game. Sad.
So choose your experiment, open your eyes.
P.S: BTW I was a member of group C, and now i am gradually graduating to Group D.