A case for Casteism --And What went wrong.
I am sure the title must seem a very, as some one put it, very "castist" especially coming from a Brahmin.
First of all let me make it really clear, casteism in India in the contemporary world has very little to do with Sanatana Dharma. And that casteism is a common concept among Christians, Muslims,Buddhists,Sikhs, Jains and Bahai' in South Asia (At least). ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caste_system_in_India)
But I believe there is a real need to define a case for the caste system, although, definitely NOT in its current form. The current form of caste system in India is pathetic and rotten to its core. So, the first thing I need the readers to grasp is, YES, the current caste system of India is ROTTEN. I am not sure how and where it got to this point over the thousands over thousands of years, but I would have to guess, as we discussed in an earlier post, it is the Law of Entropy working its magic on everything.
The word "caste", I am not sure who termed it or when in English, did a really poor translation of the word "varna" in Sanatana Dharma. If you go back in history and understand the basis of of the varna system, it was never really based on a human birth. One has to remember that when this system was put in place, the point in space and time are so far off from our current understanding, it becomes mighty difficult to understand all the parameters and the situations of society back whenever this system evolved. So lets take a pragmatic approach and look the varna system. It divided the society based on one's occupation. Remember, occupation today is completely different from occupations of the past. The four main varna's were:
Now if you look in to the general eligibility rules for all these, you have to notice, that as you ascend from Sudras to the Brahmins, the rules become stringent, and tougher to follow on an everyday basis (extreme discipline in food, thought and deed). Now historically there are multiple evidences of sudra's raising to the level of being next God ( Bhakta Kannappa, Sabari), or being among the best friends of higher castes (guha (Sudra) was one of Sree Rama's (Kshatriya best friends), or a higher caste marrying marrying a lower caste ( Sree Krishna (Kshatryia) marrying, Jambavati (Sudra)), there are instances of a lower caste person to ascend and be considered one among th ehigher caste through extreme penance ( change in life style, disciplined eating habits, discipline and meditation to spirtually grow), for example Vishwamitra MahaRaja ( a Kshatriya), ascended into a Brahma Rishi a Brahmin.
The point being, castes were decided NOT based on one's birth, but based on one's character, one's occupation. Now, at what point did Jati (caste) replace this system is anybody's guess. but as per the below wikipedia information, this only evolved in the last 1000 years. And at what point, did this get so negatively twisted against the Sudra's, I don't know. My only guess, is the law of entropy working its relentless magic on everything. The society degraded. People in power wanted to stay in power... .you get the drift.
excerpt from the wiki link:
Many scholars including Basham believe that the system of jati that we have now emerged only about a thousand years ago. Dumont postulates that the principle of purity-impurity keeps the segments separate from one another and reinforces hierarchy and is unique to the Hindus. According to him, despite the segmented system, each jati closely guards its relative level of purity from contacts which would diminish it such as intermarriage.[13]
--- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varna_(Hinduism)
There is also a lot of evidence of brainwashing of the Indian population by the British propaganda machine of having instilled deeper feelings of differences over their regime to fulfill their agenda of divide and rule.
You see, if the true Varna system was really mindless, we would've seen a system that said... all fair skinned ppl become brahmins, the next shade with big muscles become Kshatriyas.. so on and so forth, which obviously would be absurd.
So what is the case for Casteism?---- Correction.... I have a case for for the Varna system. At least it made sense until 50 years ago, because India has been the same until very recently, the lats 30-50 years.
It made sense because that Varna based division of society ensured the successful survival of the Indian civilization for thousands of years (literally, coz the latest excavations in Gulf of Kutch and off of the south Indian coast have pushed the dates of the Indian civilization back to up to 32000 years) without much of upheaval, until of course the Muslim Invaders and British showed up. One cannot judge this system based on our current frame of reference, you have to consider the times, the parameters of society, the belief's of society from when these systems were started and followed.
I would like to add, that I think in the contemporary world, because soceity has completely transformed and changed its core due the influence of the west and "advancements" in technology the varna system, has become a persona thing. Because now families are more nuclear and largely independent of society, your wish to be a Brahmin, or Kshatriya are totally irrelavent to the society. I can maintain the discipline in food, thought and deed and choose occupations that fit my character to maintain my Brahmin nature. And BTW, this word "ascending" that I keep using, it is because the Varna system is deeply connected to spirituality. Its a very large discussion which is beyond the scope of this blog, but the bottom line of everything that is core to Indian systems always tied back up to spiritual progress of a human being. The strict disciplines required to be a Brahmin are not exactly easy or "enjoyable". And honestly, most contemporary Barhmins are no more of Brahmins by any lenient measure. And the further you understand the Varna system, your habits and your thought process and the food you eat determines you capability to spiritually ascend.
It is not the fault of the system that people corrupt it. It is the fault of the people. If Enron or MCI screw up, it is not the fault of the Capitalist system, it is the fault of the folks at Enron and MCI.
I hope I have been able to clarify or remove suspicion about the true nature of casteism at least by a fraction of a % in people.
Leave me a message, if i can help clarify any thing, or if you think i've over looked something.
First of all let me make it really clear, casteism in India in the contemporary world has very little to do with Sanatana Dharma. And that casteism is a common concept among Christians, Muslims,Buddhists,Sikhs, Jains and Bahai' in South Asia (At least). ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caste_system_in_India)
But I believe there is a real need to define a case for the caste system, although, definitely NOT in its current form. The current form of caste system in India is pathetic and rotten to its core. So, the first thing I need the readers to grasp is, YES, the current caste system of India is ROTTEN. I am not sure how and where it got to this point over the thousands over thousands of years, but I would have to guess, as we discussed in an earlier post, it is the Law of Entropy working its magic on everything.
The word "caste", I am not sure who termed it or when in English, did a really poor translation of the word "varna" in Sanatana Dharma. If you go back in history and understand the basis of of the varna system, it was never really based on a human birth. One has to remember that when this system was put in place, the point in space and time are so far off from our current understanding, it becomes mighty difficult to understand all the parameters and the situations of society back whenever this system evolved. So lets take a pragmatic approach and look the varna system. It divided the society based on one's occupation. Remember, occupation today is completely different from occupations of the past. The four main varna's were:
- Brahmin (Priests, Intellectuals, Scientists and teachers)
- Kshatriya ( warriors, policing, administrators)
- Vaishyas (Farmers, Merchants, business men)
- Sudras (artisans and laborers)
Here is a good link to understanding further details on each of them: http://hinduism.iskcon.org/practice/701.htm
Now if you look in to the general eligibility rules for all these, you have to notice, that as you ascend from Sudras to the Brahmins, the rules become stringent, and tougher to follow on an everyday basis (extreme discipline in food, thought and deed). Now historically there are multiple evidences of sudra's raising to the level of being next God ( Bhakta Kannappa, Sabari), or being among the best friends of higher castes (guha (Sudra) was one of Sree Rama's (Kshatriya best friends), or a higher caste marrying marrying a lower caste ( Sree Krishna (Kshatryia) marrying, Jambavati (Sudra)), there are instances of a lower caste person to ascend and be considered one among th ehigher caste through extreme penance ( change in life style, disciplined eating habits, discipline and meditation to spirtually grow), for example Vishwamitra MahaRaja ( a Kshatriya), ascended into a Brahma Rishi a Brahmin.
The point being, castes were decided NOT based on one's birth, but based on one's character, one's occupation. Now, at what point did Jati (caste) replace this system is anybody's guess. but as per the below wikipedia information, this only evolved in the last 1000 years. And at what point, did this get so negatively twisted against the Sudra's, I don't know. My only guess, is the law of entropy working its relentless magic on everything. The society degraded. People in power wanted to stay in power... .you get the drift.
excerpt from the wiki link:
Many scholars including Basham believe that the system of jati that we have now emerged only about a thousand years ago. Dumont postulates that the principle of purity-impurity keeps the segments separate from one another and reinforces hierarchy and is unique to the Hindus. According to him, despite the segmented system, each jati closely guards its relative level of purity from contacts which would diminish it such as intermarriage.[13]
--- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varna_(Hinduism)
There is also a lot of evidence of brainwashing of the Indian population by the British propaganda machine of having instilled deeper feelings of differences over their regime to fulfill their agenda of divide and rule.
You see, if the true Varna system was really mindless, we would've seen a system that said... all fair skinned ppl become brahmins, the next shade with big muscles become Kshatriyas.. so on and so forth, which obviously would be absurd.
So what is the case for Casteism?---- Correction.... I have a case for for the Varna system. At least it made sense until 50 years ago, because India has been the same until very recently, the lats 30-50 years.
It made sense because that Varna based division of society ensured the successful survival of the Indian civilization for thousands of years (literally, coz the latest excavations in Gulf of Kutch and off of the south Indian coast have pushed the dates of the Indian civilization back to up to 32000 years) without much of upheaval, until of course the Muslim Invaders and British showed up. One cannot judge this system based on our current frame of reference, you have to consider the times, the parameters of society, the belief's of society from when these systems were started and followed.
I would like to add, that I think in the contemporary world, because soceity has completely transformed and changed its core due the influence of the west and "advancements" in technology the varna system, has become a persona thing. Because now families are more nuclear and largely independent of society, your wish to be a Brahmin, or Kshatriya are totally irrelavent to the society. I can maintain the discipline in food, thought and deed and choose occupations that fit my character to maintain my Brahmin nature. And BTW, this word "ascending" that I keep using, it is because the Varna system is deeply connected to spirituality. Its a very large discussion which is beyond the scope of this blog, but the bottom line of everything that is core to Indian systems always tied back up to spiritual progress of a human being. The strict disciplines required to be a Brahmin are not exactly easy or "enjoyable". And honestly, most contemporary Barhmins are no more of Brahmins by any lenient measure. And the further you understand the Varna system, your habits and your thought process and the food you eat determines you capability to spiritually ascend.
It is not the fault of the system that people corrupt it. It is the fault of the people. If Enron or MCI screw up, it is not the fault of the Capitalist system, it is the fault of the folks at Enron and MCI.
I hope I have been able to clarify or remove suspicion about the true nature of casteism at least by a fraction of a % in people.
Leave me a message, if i can help clarify any thing, or if you think i've over looked something.