Pursuit of a long life
Since about when I got married, I have been on this journey of seeking to find ways to optimize my health, perhaps without even knowing why, but I guess it is obvious that the human body seeks health Actually, I think it is the human mind that is a parasite of the human body that is seeking health of the human body. Either way, I have come along way since March 2011 and optimizing my health. I have learned a lot and summarize it. Based on science based on Andrew Huberman, based on Sachin panda, based on James Nestor, based on many other scientists and books, what I have found is, everything is eventually coaling around the habits that my ancestors have taught us through out history. As Brahmins who are the original Knowledge workers, and have been sold since before time can track. The latest book that I’m reading is called the circadian code by Sachin panda. I have started drinking lemon water with honey early in the morning. I do not drink coffee beyond 10 AM and that is al...