Why should we follow traditions?
Humans are creatures of habit. Every habit has a short term and a long term effect. Epigenetic effect as well as outside effects. Read the science quoted in Charles Duhigg's book, about the "The power of Habit", and of course the point the book is trying to make. Read about the general "habits" and especially the morning routines (habits) of highly successful people across time and cultures. (youtube it) Then compare those to the routines described in our major traditions. We also need to understand traditions in the light of when they were formed to see through many of the "rituals" and look for the underlying reasons for these rituals. So called "freedoms" people have "no habits" anymore. Other than getting sucked into addictions. One addiction after another, starting from food, to sex, to porn, to binge watching, to social media, to phones, to alcohol, to smoking, to hard drugs. These only lead to a lot of sufferin...