
Showing posts from August, 2014

Intermittent Fasting -- Ekadasi Vrata (especially mukkoti Ekadasi)

Here are a few studies I came across regarding intermittent fasting: Fasting for two days could regenerate the immune system, according to research John Hopkins magazine article on Intermittent fasting. Considering some amazing claims by modern science that based on still ongoing research let us read through my notes of what ekadasi (11th day from full moon or no moon day) vrata upvasam entails from the speech of my guru. I stress on ongoing research, because eventually the other items listed below will be found as well. I am confident. How long from now? Who knows? It took western science 500 yrs to get here. This vrata per the sastra (orthodox rules) are expected to be followed by everyone without miss by EVERYONE who has any inclination ...

Are likes and dislikes formed in the brain?

For time immemorial the rishi's of India have spoken about how "tendencies/likes/dislikes" or "vasanas" are not recorded in the brain but in the "manassu", a word for which I doubt there is an exact english translation. And these tendencies go with the "sukshma sharira" or the subtle body from birth to birth to birth. Here is a small recent finding that perhaps is scratching the surface of that very fact. And of course there is no clear understanding in modern science yet about where memories are exactly stored... surely we'll get there someday. But may be the heart is one of the places you should look? I dont know, but the point is, we still are discovering so much in modern science, a long way to go before we write off the wisdom / knowledge of the ancient rishis of India.