
Showing posts from June, 2012

Islam: We just cannot talk abt it.

Can't talk about it, for the fear of backlash. I have no interest in putting my life or the life of my loved ones in danger by talking about it. It is a sad state of affairs in their world, tolerance and introspection do not seem to be a part of their religion. At least not in the popular culture. But i am positive and sure that there are absolutely wonderful saints in certain pockets/sects of Islam that are more tolerant and introspective in nature which allow for a good intelligent thought process. They just are a very small minority who themselves are endangered because of their willingness to discuss the issues at hand. And hence, unfortunately there shall be no discussion regarding Islam on this blog. How veritable is it, is a question, I leave to the introspection of its own adherents. Hopefully over time this religion will become tolerant and try to address its fallacies while focusing on the good parts of it.

World Upside-Down

The whole world is upside down. These are weird times. Don't you think? There are so many things which just defy logic. Farmers are the poorest and make the least while the guys sitting in wall street/dalaal street make the most. Guys playing sports for entertainment while having a lot of fun and actors acting in front of the camera, while having dubious lifestyles, have the adulation, the money, the fame all the good things in life, even governments awarding them seats in the higher houses (Sachin, Rekha etc) and national honors, while the soldier who puts his life at risk to save his nation, is dying alone, sick, going crazy, while the govt. does not have enough money to support them and their families completely, and most of us cannot name a single soldier who laid down his life for the country. Places like Dubai, California and Texas, supposedly some of the driest places, technically considered deserts and in capable of support large human populations are brilliantly de...